The SV School was founded in 2014. with a noble aim in mind to provide quality education to the students across the state. Yes, The Magnet Public School is an abode of learning where emphasis is on the students’ needs and our educational philosophy is to lay stress on attaining excellence by providing individual attention. Overall social development of the children is carefully nurtured here so that the students may face the challenges of life amidst competition ridden set up of the society. The School prepares children to appear for the HP Board examination. Our education philosophy highlights personal care, counselling to students to dispel whatever doubts they might have, cosy cottages in the hostel and favourable environment for studies. Instead of emphasising rote learning, we encourage debate and promote interactive learning. Keeping in view the requirement of School, when we took a very humble step by laying the foundation stone of an elementary school to fulfil the long awaited and coveted desire of parents, as it is the need of the day, to see their children well verse in all the subjects besides attaining mastery and fluency in English so that they may express themselves without any hesitation at any stage, in every competition and as and when required in their future life.

The socialization of the child is very important to us, which is achieved through a well-conceived house system, individual counselling and healthy competition.
General Instructions
a)Students are not allowed to bring the following :

(i) Objectionable literature/audio-visual aids.

(ii) Valuables/mobile phone and video games, cash more than Rs.100.

(iii)The school will not be responsible for the loss of any artical.

b)Students must report the class teacher in the event of :

i) Any sickness/bruise.

ii) My breakage

c)Behaviour/Deportment/Speech/Dress/Appearance :

Astudent misbehaving with any staff member may be

i) resticated/suspended.

ii) Classroom discipline should be maintained.

iii) Students must avoid loud talk/Shouting/derogatory language in the school.
iv) Silence in corridors, in the library and laboratories is mandatory.

v) Any damage to school property will be penalised and equal amount will be charged from the defaulter.
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