
🌟 Nurturing Individuality at Gombe Elite Schools! 🌟

At Gombe Elite Schools, we believe that every child is unique, with their own strengths, talents, and dreams. Our goal is not just to teach but to bring out the best in every student, helping them grow into confident, creative, and responsible individuals.

🔹 Personalized Learning – We recognize different learning styles and tailor our teaching to help each child thrive.
🔹 Self-Expression & Creativity – From art to storytelling, we encourage students to express themselves freely.
🔹 Leadership & Responsibility – Every child has a voice, and we empower them to lead and inspire others.
🔹 Celebrating Differences – We foster an environment where individuality is respected and every child feels valued.

At Gombe Elite Schools, we are not just shaping students—we are shaping visionary leaders! 🚀✨

📍 Admissions are still open! Give your child an education that recognizes their uniqueness and helps them shine.

#GombeEliteSchools #ShapingVisionaryLeaders #EveryChildIsUnique #FutureLeaders
articles 148 views Mon. 10th Mar 2025 3:31pm +01:00

How to Train Nursery Pupils to Take Care of Books

Books are an essential part of a child’s learning journey, especially in nursery school, where they develop early literacy skills. Teaching young pupils how to care for books not only preserves resources but also instills a sense of responsibility. Here are some effective strategies to train nursery pupils on how to take care of books.

1. Teach Through Storytelling

Young children learn best through stories. Introduce a short, engaging story about a character who loves books and takes good care of them. Alternatively, create a story about a book that gets damaged due to mishandling and how it gets repaired. This helps pupils understand why book care is important.

2. Use Visual Demonstrations

Show pupils how to:

Hold a book properly by supporting its spine.

Turn pages gently without tearing them.

Keep books on a clean surface.

Use clean hands before touching books.

Demonstrations should be simple and repetitive so that pupils can easily grasp and remember them.

3. Introduce Book Handling Rules

Create simple rules using pictures and actions. Some examples include:
✅ Use clean hands before reading.
✅ Turn pages carefully to avoid tearing.
✅ Keep books in a safe place when not in use.
❌ Do not scribble on books.
❌ Do not fold or crumple pages.
❌ Do not put books near food or water.

Make a poster of these rules and place it in the classroom for constant reminders.

4. Use Rhymes and Songs

Songs and rhymes make learning fun and memorable. Create a short rhyme about book care, such as:

“Books are special, handle with care,
Turn the pages, don′t tear!
Keep them clean, keep them neat,
Books are friends that help us read!“

Singing this regularly will reinforce good book-handling habits.

5. Assign Book Helpers

Give pupils a sense of responsibility by assigning them as “Book Helpers.“ Their duty is to remind classmates to handle books with care and help arrange them properly after reading. This encourages responsibility and teamwork.

6. Use Hands-on Activities

Create fun activities where pupils practice:

Cleaning book covers with a dry cloth.

Organizing books on a shelf.

Fixing a pretend “damaged“ book by using stickers or tape (under supervision).

These activities reinforce the importance of keeping books in good condition.

7. Reward Good Book Care Habits

Praise pupils who take good care of books. Use reward systems such as stickers, stars, or a “Best Book Caretaker” award. Positive reinforcement encourages children to continue good habits.

8. Lead by Example

Teachers should demonstrate proper book care at all times. When children see adults handling books carefully, they are more likely to do the same.

By implementing these strategies, nursery pupils will develop a lifelong respect for books and learning materials. Happy reading!
articles 189 views Mon. 10th Mar 2025 3:31pm +01:00


Phonics is one of the most effective methods of teaching young children how to read and write. In the nursery section, where children are just beginning their educational journey, phonics plays a crucial role in building a strong literacy foundation. It involves teaching the relationship between letters and their corresponding sounds, helping children decode words and develop reading fluency.

Uses of Teaching Phonics in the Nursery Section

1. Improves Early Reading Skills

Phonics enables young learners to recognize letter sounds and blend them to form words. This skill helps children read simple words and sentences, preparing them for more advanced reading levels.

2. Enhances Spelling and Writing Abilities

By understanding the sounds of letters and letter combinations, children learn to spell words correctly. This improves their writing skills and encourages them to express themselves through written communication.

3. Develops Strong Listening and Speaking Skills

Phonics helps children recognize and produce different sounds accurately, improving their pronunciation and speaking skills. It also enhances their ability to listen and differentiate sounds in words, which is essential for language development.

4. Boosts Confidence and Interest in Learning

Children who can read and write independently at an early stage feel more confident in their abilities. Phonics-based learning makes reading fun and interactive, increasing children′s interest in books and storytelling.

5. Supports Vocabulary Expansion

Through phonics, children can decode and read new words easily. This exposure to different words increases their vocabulary, improving their overall communication skills.

6. Builds a Strong Foundation for Future Learning

Phonics is a stepping stone to more advanced literacy skills. Mastering phonics in the nursery section helps children transition smoothly to higher levels of reading and comprehension in primary school.

7. Encourages Independent Learning

Once children understand phonics, they can use their knowledge to read new words on their own without constant teacher assistance. This promotes independent learning and a lifelong love for reading.


Teaching phonics in the nursery section is essential for early childhood education. It helps children develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, boosting their confidence and preparing them for future academic success. By incorporating phonics into the curriculum, teachers can ensure that children have a strong literacy foundation that will benefit them throughout their education.
articles 189 views Mon. 10th Mar 2025 3:31pm +01:00

Address Note to the Pupils of Gombe Elite Schools

Dear Pupils,

It gives me immense pleasure to stand before you today as the proprietor of Gombe Elite Schools. From the very first day we opened our doors, I envisioned a school where every one of you would have the opportunity to grow, learn, and become the leaders of tomorrow. Today, I am proud to see you all thriving, learning, and making strides in shaping your future.

As I look around, I see bright faces, eager minds, and a spirit of curiosity that fills our classrooms. This is what we stand for at Gombe Elite Schools—nurturing young minds to become knowledgeable, compassionate, and responsible individuals who will contribute to the development of society. Our school motto, “Shaping Visionary Leaders,“ reflects this goal, and I am confident that each of you has the potential to become one of those leaders.

I want to talk to you today about the importance of embracing the values that we hold dear here at our school. You are not just students; you are the future of this community, this country, and even the world. Every lesson you learn, every new skill you acquire, and every challenge you overcome is a step towards becoming the visionary leader I know you can be.

One of the core values that we emphasize here is discipline. Discipline is not just about following rules—it′s about taking responsibility for your actions, being punctual, and giving your best in everything you do. Remember, it is the disciplined person who achieves success, for they understand that greatness is not achieved by chance, but through consistent effort and dedication.

We also place a high value on respect—respect for yourselves, your peers, your teachers, and your school. Respect creates a positive learning environment, and it is only in such an environment that you can truly excel. When you show respect, you not only learn from your teachers but also learn from each other. Your classmates are your teammates, and together, you are all on this journey of discovery and growth.

Another value we hold close to our hearts at Gombe Elite Schools is the importance of hard work. No goal is too big when you put in the effort. The path to success is not always easy, but if you stay focused, keep working hard, and never give up, you will achieve greatness. Whether in your studies, extracurricular activities, or personal growth, always remember that hard work pays off. It is the key to unlocking the many opportunities that await you in life.

As your proprietor, I am committed to providing you with the best education and the tools you need to succeed. But your success depends on you. It depends on your willingness to work hard, to stay focused, and to embrace the challenges that come your way. Remember, there is no limit to what you can achieve when you put your heart and mind into it.

Finally, I want you to always value education. Education is the most powerful tool you can use to shape your future. It is not just about textbooks and exams; it is about learning to think critically, solving problems, and gaining the skills you need to navigate the world around you. The more you learn, the more you will grow—not just as students, but as individuals who can make a real difference in the world.

I am proud of each and every one of you, and I believe in your potential. Together, we will continue to build a school community that supports each other, works hard, and strives for excellence. You are all capable of greatness, and I look forward to seeing how you will continue to grow and achieve in the years ahead.

Thank you for being a part of Gombe Elite Schools. Let us continue to work hard, stay disciplined, and respect each other as we shape the visionary leaders of tomorrow.

With pride and best wishes,
Mohammad Ibrahim
Proprietor, Gombe Elite Schools
articles 195 views Mon. 10th Mar 2025 3:31pm +01:00

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كلمة مدير مدرسة جومبي إلينيت

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،

أود أن أرحب بجميع الحاضرين في هذا اليوم المبارك، السبت 18 يناير 2025، وأشكركم على حضوركم واهتمامكم.

اليوم، أعلن عن خطوة هامة في مسيرة مدرسة جومبي إلينيت، حيث يسعدنا أن نعلن عن تأسيس قسم إسلامي جديد في مدرستنا، الذي سيشمل التعليم الابتدائي الإسلامي، والذي يهدف إلى تعزيز الفهم العميق للتعليم الديني والأخلاقي.

بفضل الله، سيتم تقديم التعليم الإسلامي الذي يشمل تعلم القرآن الكريم، الحديث الشريف، الفقه، واللغة العربية، بالتوازي مع المناهج الدراسية الأخرى التي نقدمها في مدرستنا. هدفنا هو توفير بيئة تعليمية متكاملة تجمع بين القيم الإسلامية والمهارات الأكاديمية الحديثة، لنساهم في تربية جيل جديد قادر على تحقيق النجاح في الحياة الدنيا والآخرة.

إننا نؤمن بأن التعليم الإسلامي هو جزء أساسي من التنمية الشاملة للطلاب، وسيتم تدريس المناهج في جو من الاحترام المتبادل، الالتزام بالأخلاق الإسلامية، والاهتمام بتطوير الشخصية.

أدعو جميع أولياء الأمور والمجتمع المحلي إلى التعاون معنا في تشجيع وتوجيه أبنائنا للحصول على أفضل تعليم ممكن. نحن ملتزمون بتقديم التعليم المتميز الذي يعكس رؤية مدرستنا في صناعة قادة مستقبليين يتسمون بالمعرفة والحكمة والأخلاق الحميدة.

أخيرًا، أتوجه بجزيل الشكر لكم جميعًا على دعمكم المستمر، ونتطلع إلى تحقيق المزيد من النجاحات معًا في هذا المشروع الجديد.

جزاكم الله خيرًا.

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
articles 255 views Mon. 10th Mar 2025 3:31pm +01:00

Gombe Elite Schools Begins Islamiyyah Programs

The management of Gombe Elite Schools to begin Islamiyyah programs on Saturday 18 January, 2025.
updates 204 views Mon. 10th Mar 2025 3:31pm +01:00