School Viewers is a completely free school management system for creche, playgroups, nursery, primary and secondary schools.
It provides a relaxing simplicity, yet the robustness of the best Educational Management Information System (EMIS) available.
Feature Highlights:
Result Management System
Generate an automated report card for each student's CA/Exams that is printable and online accessible.
Parents, teachers, and even students can login to their online portals for report monitoring.
Online Tests (CBT)
Teachers can conduct computer based tests for the students with automated grading for multiple-choice questions.
The class (or subject) teachers can set assignments for students with picture (if necessary).
Notification Board
School administrator can easily target a notice at specific classroom, school section or the entire school to reach affected parents and students.
Daily Reports & Attendance
Entails the student's arrival/departure time, and exchanges of other vital information between the parents and class teachers
Payments Management
Track students' payment records with auto-generated invoice/receipt and handling of payment for school fees, uniforms, textbooks ...
Free Webpage & Blog
Your school gets a fully customized and presentable landing webpage, and blog for disseminating articles, news and updates.
Already Have A School Website?
You can still embed schoolviewers portal into your existing school website, and start enjoying all the exciting benefits of this school management app.
In fact, it's as simple as creating a new page on your existing website, and pasting a snippet. (like sunbimodschool.com/portal)
We'll Help You To Migrate Here
If you are already engaged with an expensive or sub-par school management system, and you're now ready to move-on to SchoolViewers; Don't worry, there's a simple on-boarding guide here.