Migrating To School Viewers

From Other School Management System
Naturally, a school management system would have a functionality that allows you to export some records in MSEXCEL format (.XLSX or .XLS or .CSV).
Export The Following Records
  • Students List (per class)
    Important fields: Firstname,Surname, Admission No.
    Optional Fields: Othername, Gender, DOB, Email, Phone, Admission Date, Passcode
  • Teachers List
    Important fields: Firstname,Surname
    Optional: Title, Email, Passcode
  • Parents List
    Important fields: Firstname,Surname
    Optional: Title, Phone, Email, Passcode
NOTE: Export in batches of 1000 records per file, maximum.
If the data has a different labelling (e.g Lastname instead of Surname), simply rename the label-row in the file after download.
Then proceed to the onboarding here >>

Onboarding Your School's Records

Once logged in, populate the portal by following the menu sequence:
Teachers -> Classrooms -> Subjects -> Parents (if available) -> Students -> Academic Term(s)

If you have the Teachers & Parents list in MSEXCEL format, the file can simply be uploaded on the corresponding page. Make sure to label each column of the first row according to the recognized naming here. e.g:
1FirstnameSurnameAdmission No
Note: for the label-row (i.e Row 1), they are case-InSensitive, but firstname must not be written as first name. Neither can admission no be written together as AdmissionNo. Strictly follow this example.

Uploading Exam Scores & Assessments

If you have an exported record, from another school management system.
The record files must be per subject/classroom, Per-term. As you will be able to select these on the upload form
Also, ensure that the record rows are following these examples, before proceeding to the corresponding page to upload.

For CA & Exam Scores
1Admission NoCA1 ScoreCA2 ScoreCA3 ScoreExam Score
Admission No and at least one of the scores columns are compulsory in this file.
For Report Cards (Assessments):
1Admission NoAttendanceTeachers CommentPrincipals Comment
2ABC001260Good boy
3ABC001380Keep it up
Admission No and Attendance are compulsory for a record here
Submitting a file with only the Admission No column will delete all the previously submitted matching-records.
Subsequently (after the first time, or if you don't have an external record to upload).
Whenever you need to populate the scores and assessments, follow these steps:
  1. From the Scores or Cards page, first download the record template;
    (It will contain the students' names, admision no, and a prefill of the current records if any)
  2. Edit this file as desired, and upload it back to over-write.
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